
We think the word "gourmet" can be misleading. What really makes a product "gourmet?" Our market offers a broad selection of products that can be described as high quality, healthy, organic, wholesome, hand-crafted and artisan. We like to think of Mill Valley Market as offering a nice selection of "finer foods." We strive to seek out the unusual, the unique, the hard-to-find, the very best. It that's "gourmet," then yes indeed, we are "gourmet."

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Clearly, others share our feeling about the uniqueness of Mill Valley Market as quoted from The Diners Club Magazine:

A common subject at lunch is where to go for dinner, and I was shown the Mill Valley Market with the reverence that a Parisian would display in presenting the Louvre. This is by no means your standard supermarket serving a town of 15,000 people. It would do justice to a city the size of Philadelphia. Glancing casually at the shelf of honey, for example, I saw killer bee honey, prickly pear cactus honey, Kona coffee honey, wild country buckwheat honey, New Zealand honey and 30 or 40 other kinds and flavors I would not have believed if I hadn't seen them...I admire the MVM enormously and, if I lived in Marin, I would drop in every day.